Do You Remember?
Do you remember the e-rickshaw ride that we had back to the campus? I was wearing my pink kurta and I guess you wore one of your breezy shirts. Do you remember how there was something wrong with the rickshaw and it was unimaginably slow and how weird it was to see everyone overtaking us, even the pedestrians? I am having all those flashbacks today when I am here after two years. Did I tell you that I didn't want that ride to end. I don't remember us speaking a lot that day. Silence did all the talks there. But I know you understood. Did you feel the electricity too? As I go on, I feel thoughts rushing through my mind as storms. Storms that carry people; people from the past. I found myself entangled amidst the storm. I feel so much, suddenly. As I enter through the gate, I see the older me. Me who was young and stupid and naive. I see myself rushing to the class every day. It felt surreal. Like I was back in those days when life was all about the struggle of attending t...