
Showing posts from October, 2019

Not Knowing Is Okay

This article was supposed to start with the names of a few famous people who have changed their career multiple times or very late in life and have still managed to make it to the top. So I did a google search and found a lot many of them. But you can find that list yourself right? Also, when I was going through the list, I realized that I don’t need these names to make my point. Even if the list had no names I would still believe that shaming people who are not sure about their lives is quite hypocritical. Because, really, who is sure? What we want in life at a particular moment is mostly about what we feel at that point in time. And voila, feelings change! In a world where even the waiter expects you to choose from ten different kinds of coffee, there is an incessant pressure to always know what you want. Most of us have gotten used to it. We have gotten so used to it that we expect everyone around us to be sure all the time. In pursuit of stability and success, one is exp...