
Showing posts from April, 2020

Pandemic Poetry

reading a poem has lately been difficult i read a line, the first line and then the second and then again the first  to make sense of it i still don't hear the poet i don't get it. what is she trying to say the metaphors take too long to unfold i feel an itch on the nose read the second line again drink a glass of water come back to the poetry read the third line while thinking about  the image of that hungry man drinking milk from the road with the dogs read the fourth line about the blossoms i get that it reminds me  of the rain flowers and the rain and  the muddy feet the phone vibrates and i scroll  through flowers and skies and empty roads some random numbers talking about death i come back to the poem go on to the next stanza the metaphors ask  for my attention but my mind wanders art heals? it does. who does it heal, though?