Didn't want to write today

 [11:55 PM]

I didn't want to write today. I am just here because they say that showing up every day is important. I had a lot of work. I did some. Went out to have dinner with a relative who was in my city by chance. Overthought. Overshared. Felt vulnerable and tried to not overthink it. Drowned the voices in my head by watching a Youtube video and now I am in bed. 

There is too much food in the fridge and it is bothering me. I also don't like most of it, which makes it worse.

I read my last two blogs and cringed. It felt so unnecessary and self-indulgent. What's the point plus it's not even good writing. On most days I don't like what I write, or how I write. There is just this desire to write like those few people who I like to read. Sometimes it feels like I don't want it enough.

I have an editor's response to a pitch I sent two weeks ago. I need to work on that but I am not doing it.

Okay, going to sleep now.


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